Meet The People, Explore The History

Food & Hospitality
A small hometown with a unique cluster of Mississippi’s best cooks north of Highway 82! From Ms. Annie’s southern hospitality, southern fried chicken, sweet potato pie and tasty pecan cobbler at Annie’s Home Cooking, or some delicious southern cuisine at Southern Eatery on the square, to world renowned hamburgers in a two-story building furnished in an early 20th Century decorum, known as Phillips Grocery, and the best hot wings at The Chicken Coop, beautiful Holly Springs is just a short drive 30 miles east of Memphis, 50 miles west of Tupelo, and 60 miles North of Tunica.

Film & Entertainment
Etching an unforgettable mark in showbiz, our city has played hosts as well as dress up, with the cast and crew of the 1999 movie classic, “Cookies Fortune” starring Glen Close, Juliann Moore, Charles Dutton and many more including the late Patricia Neal as the beloved Cookie. Quite frequently we welcome our hometown favorite, actress and singer, Cassandra “Cassie” Davis, otherwise known as “Ella Payne” of Tyler Perry’s American comedy-drama television series “House of Payne.” We assure you the locals never cease in amazement with “Small Town Talk” when the beautiful country music star, Shannon McNally graces the historical square of the town she now calls home!

Grab a cup of coffee and enjoy a few of the nations best-selling novels, depicting the struggles, the triumphs and even the mayhem of Holly Springs, Mississippi in its own unique writings. IDA A Sword Among Lions by Paula J. Giddings, Strawberry Plains Audubon Center Four Centuries of a Mississippi Landscape by Hubert H. McAlexander, Dixie Divas by Virginia Brown, Home to Holly Springs, by best-selling author of the Mitford Series Jan Karon, just to name a few.